This is a bug in OVI maps.  I think the link has already been given.

The problem is that OVI opens the device to get a lock, but then "gives up" and 
closes it just before it can get a lock.  It cycles doing this every few 
minutes, but unless you have an alternate signal, it's not enough time for the 
GPS to lock on it's own without feeder information (which requires a data link, 
via GPRS or wifi).  This is supposedly going to be fixed on the next OVI push 
out, whenever that is.

I'm hoping they add voice and turn by turn as well soon.  Sad that a cheep 3 
year old $40 Magellan can out-preform my expensive shiny new cell phone. :P

---- Bernard Tyers <> wrote: 

Hi there,

I have been trying out my new N900 for the past few days and overall I really 
like it.

The only problem I have left with it is the GPS. I have yet to get a regular 
location lock.

The first time I used it it took approx 15 mins to update, in a location where 
it takes my E71 approx 2-3 mins. Leaving aside the unit has to calculate my 
location the first time it's turned on, that's a bloody long time.

The second time I started it up, in the same location, I didn't get a lock at 

All the time I was using Ovi Maps (Which I know are basic, but surely GPS 
location update should work).

I know how GPS works and have tried some troubleshooting, but I can't find any 
diag tools. At least on the Symbian OS there is a compass app which will give 
you your location in long & lat.

Can anyone else comment? Am I the only one? Is the N900 GPS chipset abit weak 
(in whatever way in comparison to other Nokia devices)?

Can anyone recommend any troubleshooting apps I can use to see where the issue 
might be?

I saw minigpsd mentioned it can speed up the lock process on the gps. Can that 
help? (I'm not a coder, so maybe thats a wrong avenue...)

Is anything written to the OS when the GPS is running? Can we tail any logs? 
All recommendations welcome.

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