On 11 May 2010 21:38, Francisco Diaz Trepat - gmail <
francisco.diaztre...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I'm such a newby that I don't have the N900 yet.
> I recently payed back my debts and am ready to get the N900.
> But I wanted to get some comments on whether it is a good Idea to get it
> now, almost one year later.

If you're a geek-type, happy to hack around your device to make it work
better, or you prefer internet-related features over old-school voice calls
and text messages - then definitely yes. If you're more like a regular user
that expects things to "just work" and is looking for a *phone* first, then
a feature device, then I'd rather not recommend it.

IMVHO, N900 is not generally ready for mass-market yet and my personal
answer to some of my non-geek friends asking whether they should get N900
themselves, is "rather not". However, one of those friends decided to go
with N900 anyway and is quite happy so far (especially with N900's
multimedia department), so I might reconsider my thoughts on this. ;)

Dawid 'evad' Lorenz * http://adl.pl

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