Hello world!

We at the Hopkins Storage Systems Lab (HSSL) are trying to understand
how you, the tech elite, access and use data and how you access the
Internet on mobile devices.  We are interested in you, because we
think that your data-use habits may be indicative of what might become
common in a few years time.

We want to understand how you access and use data on mobile devices to
improve the user experience on mobile devices.  Specifically, we want

  - Improve disconnected operation;
  - Make accessing data faster;
  - Increase battery life;
  - Reduce network connectivity costs; and,
  - Simplify data management.

We suspect that significant amounts of data that you use are
downloaded on demand and that this data could be effectively
prefetched.  Although prefetching sounds easy enough, there are a
number of issues that need to be considered: when should data be
prefetched? what data should be prefetched? how do we avoid exhausting
free space? how do we enable applications to coordinate the use of
shared resources?

To this end, we are conducting a user study.  We'd like you to
participate by running our data collection software, which gathers
information about the data you use, your network connectivity, and
your battery use.

To help by running the data collection software, which should take
about 10 minutes to install and not require any further interactions
on your part, please visit, on your N900:




For more information about Woodchuck, please visit:


Much of the data that we collect will be anonymized.  No personally
identifying data will be published.  Data collection will last for
approximately one year.

Anyone with a compatible device may run the data collection software.
Your participation in this experiment is entirely voluntary.  Should
you choose to participate, your data will be kept confidential to the
extent possible by law.  Only researchers involved in this study will
see collected data.  Published data will not include identifying
artifacts (i.e., we will make every effort to prevent the identify of
participants from being determined from the data we publish).
Encryption will be used to transfer collected data and to verify the
server to which that data is uploaded.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me at
n...@cs.jhu.edu or Randal Burns, the principle investigator, at
ran...@cs.jhu.edu.  Your assistance in helping us meet our research
goals would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your help!

Neal Walfield

P.S. This study is research.  You will not receive any direct benefits
from participating in this study.  This study may benefit society if
the results lead to a better understanding of how data is used on
mobile devices.  The study is taking place at the Whiting School of
Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University in the United States.  The
principle investigator is Randal Burns:

  Email: randal(at)cs.jhu.edu
  Phone: 410.516.7708
  Mailing Address:
    Department of Computer Science 
    The Johns Hopkins University 
    222 New Engineering Building 
    Baltimore, MD 21218

Approved by HIRB on November 18, 2010
HIRB Study number: 111910
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