Dne 4.1.2012 14:19, Michael Rösch napsal(a):
Am 03.01.2012 01:19, schrieb Pavel Řezníček:

Dear Michael,

thank you for your kind response!

I'm glad to know that running fsck before mounting is never a bad idea

OK, /the SD-card may really be broken,/ that's right. I have to go for
one and buy it (or via an e-shop) as soon as I have the time. Or, I may
/test this old one for bad blocks./
But /what was then wrong with my Debian when run from an image file/ on
the internal memory storage (/home/user/MyDocs/debian-m5-v3e.img.ext2)?
That's a good point- frankly I don't know- maybe the explaination bellow
also fits for this...

As I mentioned before, during the installation process of some more
packages, my N900 just went off regularly. Did you any time try to
/upgrade your whole Debian system/ ("sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get
upgrade" without specifying a package)? This is what I actually tried a
couple of times but always ended up in a switch-off in random stages of
the package installation, resulting in a severe filesystem damage inside
the Debian image file…
Ah now it is ringing: this sound like this:

"Then we'll do the dist-upgrade. Unfortunately Maemo has a very snappish
watchdog that reboots your phone if it thinks it hangs due to a runaway
process. This is almost certainly triggered when doing mayor package
installations with normal process priority. So we'll do the dist-upgrade
wit the lowest priority using the nice command:

nice -n 19 sudo apt-get update
nice -n 19 sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"

I never had this problem but maybe that is yours?

WOW!! This sounds very much like a solution! Thank you for this tip! Will try ASAP!
The case with the installation of the Lazarus IDE on the SD-card and on
an ext3 formatted partition might be related but also unrelated.
I’m now pretty sure it /is related./
So the next step is to check the card for physically bad blocks. I'll
give it a try and report the results
I still didn’t have the time and the rememberance to check the memory card’s partition for physically bad blocks. It’s still on the to do list ;-)


function Podpis(): String;
  Jméno('Pavel Řezníček');
  Bydliště('Borová 18', '312 00', 'Plzeň');
  Pracoviště('Korandův sbor', 'Anglické nábřeží 13', '301 00', 'Plzeň');
  Result := 'vývojář a správce sítě';

<<attachment: cigydd.vcf>>

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