On Thu, 14 Oct 2010, nicolas vigier wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Oct 2010, Tux99 wrote:
> > I think they should be enabled by default, since it's my impression that
> > the majority of 'normal' users wants new versions of apps, those users who
> > DON'T want them can still always disable them.
> If backports repository is enabled by default, it should be stable. How
> do you garantee that backports will never break ?

Nicolas, please re-read old posts of this thread we discussed this 
already, the conclusion was that there are no guarantees in 
life. Experience tells us backports don't normally break any more than 
the regular security/bugfix updates.

> > Backports shouldn't be second choice, it should be the default, since that
> > would make Mageia stand out from other distros as being the distro were
> > users get the latest versions of apps before any other major distro
> > provides them.
> Just providing the latest version of apps is not enough to "stand out
> from other distros".

I didn't say this should be the ONLY unique feature of Mageia.

> All distros could do it, and they usually already do it in their 
> developement version. But the problem is always the same:
> adding new versions create instability.

All distros COULD do it but they don't, the dev version doesn't count
as that is obviously much more unstable, since it's meant for 

Providing new versions usually gives MORE stability since newer version 
normally include loads of bug fixes too, but again we debated this 
already, see old posts in this thread.

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