On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 08:43:25AM -0700, Pascal Terjan wrote:
On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 08:41, Pascal Terjan <pter...@gmail.com> wrote:
The issue is how do we detect "old tags"???

By commenting when adding an Obsoletes ?

Another a way to do it could be svn annotate *.spec + grep Obsoletes +
look for revision older than a given one
the problem with this is relating a svn revision to a released distro
also we have an svn epoch, when the package was first imported.

i just found:
% svn annotate bacula.spec
   927       root # fix conditional pam config file
   927       root %if %{mdkversion} < 200610
   927       root bzcat %{SOURCE6} > bacula.pam
   927       root %else
   927       root bzcat %{SOURCE7} > bacula.pam
   927       root %endif

i think this could go.

(btw, bacula from 2010.1 builds correctly on 2006.0 if you disable the
qt gui components)


Luca Berra -- bl...@vodka.it

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