On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 18:11, Maarten Vanraes
<maarten.vanr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> if people keep in mind that sometimes tarballs aren't always fetchable from
> the internetz; then i'm ok with this. also, possibly if the tar is the same as
> the previous version/revision, it could even be fetched from the older
> packages/releases

Removing it from svn does not mean no longer hosting it, but svn is
not appropriate to keep history of all versions of tarball that have
once existed in cooker

One solution can be for example
- Storing the tarballs matching svn head on a ftp if the src.rpm is
not yet available
- Having the tool that checkouts from svn to also download src.rpm and
extract tarball from there, looking on the ftp if there is not yet a
src.rpm for that version

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