As we are getting closer to actually have something to mirror it's time to get this decided.

And the deadline for theese discussions is December 5th, 2010 in
order to get a decision on the board meeting on December 6th, 2010.

Now this is a somewhat problematic topic but needs to be decided.
This has already been discussed in two threads:

First off we have the "basic) part:
"Mirror tree structure" by Olivier Thauvin

And the other part (that gives some problems):
"Mageia repository sections, licenses, restrictions, firmware etc" by Anssi Hannula.

Now, in order to get somewhere, here is a suggestion that tries to find a middle ground or base for discussions...

Now this toplevel part seems to be ok by everyone:

Then we come to the "problematic" part:
             /codecs/ (disabled by default)
             /core/ (old main+contrib)
                  /backports/ (disabled by default)
                  /backports_testing/ (disabled by default)
                  /testing/ (disabled by default)
             /extra/ (unmaintained, disabled by default)
             /firmware/ (disabled by default)
             /games/ (disabled by default)
             /non-free/ (disabled by default)
             /debug_*/ (disabled by default)

The idea of this layout with some of the separate sections (codecs, firmware, games, non-free, debug_*) gives a mirror maintainer in a country (or company) the option to exclude the parts they legally (or by company policy) can not mirror.

The "core" should be only maintained free/libre stuff so it's easy to build a free/libre iso

"extra" is for those packages that no-one really maintain, but is still used by someone

"games" are now a separate repo since it can grow fast with a lot of game data.

Comments / Thoughts...


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