Le lundi 29 novembre 2010 à 20:06 -0500, andre999 a écrit :
> nicolas vigier a écrit :
> > On Mon, 29 Nov 2010, andre999 wrote:
> >
> >    
> >> The supposed advantages of discarding a set of repositories over having an
> >> obvious sandbox aren't clear.
> >>      
> > I think misc already explained it clearly in this mail :
> > https://www.mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-dev/20101129/001503.html
> >
> > If you disagree, you can reply to his email. But don't keep repeating
> > that there's not clear drawbacks, that the cost of creating new
> > repositories is almost nil and this kind of thing if you don't have
> > any real arguments.
> >
> >    
> Well you can insist that the mentioned drawbacks are significant, but if 
> you follow my arguments, you will see that I explain why I don't believe 
> they are.

I would be more inclined to trust boklm's technical judgement, who is in
charge of setting up the Mageia BS, who proposed several improvement on
it ( uid splitting, etc ), who worked since several years as a packager,
build system and cluster admin at Mandriva.

> And I'm not the only one with this point of view.

Not being alone doesn't mean that's a good idea. For example
all lemmings that think that mass suicide are not alone.

> It is useful to take a global point of view, with all the factors involved.

Well, yes, and we think we did it. You know, we worked on a distribution
since some time. So we have a global point of view. 

> As well, some supposed costs make assumptions that we will do things the 
> same way as Mandriva.  But I have presented a different way of doing 
> things, which wouldn't necessarily entail such costs.

You have presented exactly the same system as Mandriva. That's not what
I call "different".

> So you like to say that I don't have any real arguments.
> Well I'd say that much of misc's arguments in that post don't hold if we 
> do things in a different way. 
> [..]
>  In other posts, misc's arguments conform 
> with my point of view.

What you achieved is the demonstration about the emptiness of saying
"misc's argument" without refering to the arguments you are speaking of.
Next time, can you be more precise and say "$FOO do not hold because
of .., while $BAR is in favor of my idea" with $FOO and $BAR being the
actual arguments so we can at least understand ?

I would also request you to refrain from using my nickname for doing
such name dropping in the future.

> By the way, I'm *not* proposing creating *new* repositories.  I'm 
> proposing *not removing* some existing repositories, and doing certain 
> things in a different way.

We propose to remove existing repositories precisely because we know
what problem this create to keep the existing system. And we know
because we faced them. This is based on our experiences as long time
packagers and distribution admins. 
Michael Scherer

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