2010/12/10 Romain d'Alverny <rdalve...@gmail.com>:
> Ok, but you still take into account SP in your answer. :-p (we would
> have come to that, but the idea was to think about it from a naïve,
> software-patent-free perspective).

If there were no software patents anywhere what would be the issue of
this discussion?
IMHO it makes no sense to discuss something which does not exist

If Mageia were a project fro French users only we would no have this
discussion. But as it is a worldwide project the probelm exists and
pretending it does not makes no sense, not even from a theoretical
POV. because the theoretical POV is "No SP, no discussion".

Ok, anyway.

I see the strategy in your proposition but:

1. We know from the start that there ARE packages with software which
is patented in some countries. So, the "let's start empty and see what
comes up" is already done with.

2. In some countries mirror maintainers can not wait until somebody
raises his hand, there are lawyers who write nice "cease and desist"
letters, attached is a bill you have to pay. In Germany this is called
"Kostenpflichtige Abmahnung"  and has grown to a habit of some
Meaning: you can't wait and see what happens, you have to make sure
that it does not happen from the start.

I mean, opinions about software patents set aside for a minute,
software patents are protected by official law in those countries. You
can not break the law on the basis of "let's see what happens".


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