Michael scherer a écrit :

On Fri, Dec 10, 2010 at 03:15:40PM -0500, andre999 wrote:

And how does that translate for free software ?
In the U.S., software patent holders have avoided attacking targets
without a lot of financial resources.

Well, what if we end having enough ressources in the futur ?

We can consider that then. But since we aren't selling the constrained software for a profit, I see no problem.

Mpeg patents are pursued, but the several PLF mirrors in the U.S.,
with openly indicated patented packages, are ignored.

Many PLF mirrors ?
I see only 2 of them, and one of them is out ( non existant domain,
bigsearcher.com )
So basically "many PLF mirrors" = 1 ?

Note that I said "several", and not "many".
The dictionary definition of several is "more than 2 but not many".
Sorry I miscounted.  I thought I saw 3.
And you're right.  The one I didn't visit is no longer active.

Not to mention that a ratio of 2 mirrors in the USA out of a total
of 25 seems rather odd, for something that admins do not care.

2 of 25 PLF mirrors in the U.S.
16 of 133 Mandriva mirrors in the U.S.
About the same ratio.
A lot fewer PLF mirrors, but since most packages in PLF seem to be in Mandriva main, I suspect it is more by lack of interest.
Also, there are only about 400 packages for i586 in PLF mirrors.
Since most are duplicated, I wonder how many distinct packages there are ?
Somehow doubt that an unlicenced copy of quotes from the Simpsons (one of the 2 plf packages that I didn't find also in Mandriva main) is going to be a big attraction.

- André

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