On 18 December 2010 16:16, Tux99 <tux99-...@uridium.org> wrote:
> Quote: Ahmad Samir wrote on Sat, 18 December 2010 15:05
>> The Mageia-dev ML is the current official packagers ML, such packaging
>> discussions are supposed and expected to happen here.
> Sure, but that doesn't stop anyone from using other communications if they
> want to, we are all volunteers and everyone is free to use the means they
> prefer.

Quoting you:
“the ML would quickly get polluted with too many parallel discussions
if every sub-group did all their discussion on the same ML”

That's exactly what a ML is for, parallel discussions each ideally
contained in a thread of its own; that's what I was pointing out.
>> This looks like coercing other packagers into adapting your point of
>> view "if you don't agree with my POV then you're not an open community
>> distro"; I don't like that attitude one bit.
> Nobody is coerced by me, in fact I believe in the 'live and let live'
> principle, it's actually some dismissive posts here that made me defend
> this principle.
>> In any distro there're rules and guidelines that should be followed
>> (look at Debian for example); being a community distro doesn't mean
>> anyone gets a free reign to do whatever he wants whenever he wants.
> Calm down, I don't see where I said anything to get you worked up like
> this.

I am calm, you don't see me shouting, do you? :)

>> Note that Michael is discussing the issue, he didn't make final
>> decisions. If you have a productive argument to make please do so,
>> otherwise please refrain from calling other peoples' posts "silly" (or
>> "non-sense" judging from your other posts on the ML).
> Michael's initial post in this thread was very dismissive and not
> productive at all, if anything you should be criticising him, I don't see
> why you are attacking me here?

To put things in perspective, here's what Michael said:
“And secondary, I think we should also try to avoid having too much task-
rpms. Their values is in the fact they allow to quickly install a set of
rpm without searching in the whole set of rpm.

If there is too much of them, people while end searching in the various
task-* rpms, and that seems counter productive at best.
( ie, searching the task rpm they want to avoid searching rpm they want
directly ... ).”

Doesn't look dismissive to me, he stated rather clearly why he's
against having too many task/meta packages.

Ahmad Samir

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