
2010/12/18 yvan munoz <mr.yvan.mu...@gmail.com>

> Hello, just few words to mention the obvious :
> 1. musicians are sub-group
yes, but there are more and more musicians that want to use linux. Mainly
IMHO cause ther was a wave of sound apps development started end 2009 /
beginning 2010 that really makes linux more and more attractive to
musicians, naming Qtractor, ladish and even some new native linux VSTs ..
and new LV2 plugs.

> 2. RT-kernel need is a sub-sub-group of (electronic and music) needs
yes, since kernel 2.6.33 the RT-Patch even made my system less stable that
the normal kernel

> 3. Jack works well on normal-kernel now, providing 90% of sound-studio
> usages (really needs of -RT are rares, irl)
Well ... the normal kernel is o.k. exept, that it still has the "Tickles
System" activated. Deaktivating this really boosts the kernel for sound ..
at least in my and other cases I know it did.

> and last thing : kernel-RT is not suffisant. user must configure most
> things on system (limits.d, sysctl, acpi, tmpfs or ramfs, fstab, and more to
> have a "real pro-audio station like any others o.s"), so providing kernel-rt
> is good to seems give "out-of-the-box" possibility, but it lies : user in
> all cases must configure what is bad to auto-conf through spec file
> Therefore I like the idea of the wizard.

> So maybe it's a false good idea to provide kernel-rt.
> Another stone to wall "dont want to have many kernel in repo"
> ps : the real trouble about sound-studio seems to be "how to provide
> non-free support" ? (eg : compil most softwares with mp3 support, and vst
> support) It is possible to provide this supports but without distribute the
> lib of ? example : compil qtractor with mp3 + vst support, but wihtout
> provide lib for mp3 and vst : software could but user need to install
> himself mp3 and vst ?
> Good point, but I have no answer to this at this point.

> end of off-topic
> nice night
> maybe soon
> regards, saschas

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