Sascha Schneider a écrit :
For the idea came up to add this subgroup to the mageia-wiki, to gather
the ideas on this topic, I surfed and cracled my brain a bit.
At this moment I don't see, how and where a sub-group like sound-studio
could be added into the existing wiki thematically.

Would it be a idea to add this topic to the
<> and alter the initial post with the inputs of
the ML and irc's??
This way we could also include inputs from other irc's or forums, like <>, #linuxmao, #lau,
#opensourcemusician etc ...

regards, sascha

Just a personal reaction ...

There doesn't seem to be a place on the mageia wiki at the moment, which is focused on setting up and getting the first release out.

However using the forum at sounds like a good idea.
(BTW, note that it is, with an S.)

Developing ideas on a mailing list tends to get a bit complicated.

my 2 cents :)


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