On 2010-12-22, Ahmad Samir <ahmadsamir3...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 22 December 2010 18:37, Frederic Janssens <fja...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 2010-12-22, Ahmad Samir <ahmadsamir3...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 22 December 2010 01:32, Frederic Janssens <fja...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>>> First I think it would be usefull to have a multiline (Large Text Box)
>>>> 'RPM Packages' field, instead of a single line (Free Text) field as
>>>> used by mandriva.
>>>> A single bug can concern more than one rpm. One thing mageia-app-db
>>>> will do is search all bugs affecting an rpm. For that search to be
>>>> meaningfull all affected rpms should be mentioned.
>>> 'One bug per report' is what we should do (did); if a bug originates
>>> from more than one package, a separate report for each of them should
>>> be opened with the Block/Dependency set correctly.
>> Sorry for not beeing clear.
>> What I propose is not for the case 'a bug originates from more than
>> one package';
>> but for the case 'a bug manifests itself in than one package'.
> A bug that manifests in more than one package must originate from
> 'some package', that 'some package' is the only one that should be in
> the 'RPM Package' field; i.e that's the package that's going to need
> fixing.

Sorry again, what I mean, and should have written, is :
'a bug manifests itself in one package, but in more than one -version-release'.

>> (In fact I think I want to solve the same problem you want to solve with
>> "with a whiteboard field to state if the bug affects more than one release
>> (at
>> least for now)"
>> but in a more specific manner).

>>>> For the same reason, the way the rpms are mentioned should be
>>>> 'standardised',
>>>> as the search done by bugzilla can only be litteral.
>>> Usually one doesn't only search in the RPM Package field; experience
>>> tell us that the affected package name will be mentioned many times in
>>> both the summary and the description.
>>> And if you want to search in the RPM Package field, bugzilla has many
>>> options to do so, look at the bottom of:
>>> https://qa.mandriva.com/query.cgi?format=advanced
>> Yes; but I am trying to solve the connection with mageia-app-db.
>> With the xmlrpc interface it seems the search possibilities are more
>> limited :
>> (from
>> http://www.bugzilla.org/docs/3.6/en/html/api/Bugzilla/WebService/Bug.html)
>> :
>> "
>> search
>>    Description
>>        Allows you to search for bugs based on particular criteria.
>>    Params
>>        Unless otherwise specified in the description of a parameter,
>> bugs are returned if they match exactly the criteria you specify in
>> these parameters. That is, we don't match against substrings--if a bug
>> is in the "Widgets" product and you ask for bugs in the "Widg"
>> product, you won't get anything.
>>        Criteria are joined in a logical AND. That is, you will be
>> returned bugs that match all of the criteria, not bugs that match any
>> of the criteria.
>>        Each parameter can be either the type it says, or an array of
>> the types it says. If you pass an array, it means "Give me bugs with
>> any of these values." For example, if you wanted bugs that were in
>> either the "Foo" or "Bar" products, you'd pass:
>>         product => ['Foo', 'Bar']
>> "
> I don't know about xmlrpc, but there's no one certain way to fill the
> 'RPM Package' field; ideally it should be packagename-version-release
> (e.g. kwrite-4.5.85-1mdv),

That's what I proposed in another post.
If that were the standard, there would be no problem for mageia-app-db.

> whatever search method you use, it has to
> be versatile enough to cope with the field content variations.

To be clear : as indicated above,
the limitation is in what bugzilla offers through it's xmlrpc interface.
We should have to modify the bugzilla code if we wanted access to it's
'advanced search'
through it's xmlrpc interface.

> FWIW, the best way to search a bugzilla is using the Advanced search
> interface; just searching for the package name isn't enough. Usually
> it's not a problem for active triage team members to spot duplicates
> (from daily contacts with bug reports) and mark them as such.
>>>> Something that does not exist in mandriva, but I think would be usefull,
>>>> is a
>>>> 'Fixed RPM Packages' that would be filled when the bug is fixed. FIXED
>>>> is great, but where (or since which rpm)?
>>> IMHO, that's trivia; either the user is savvy enough / has the time to
>>> trudge through the bug report to find out which package release fixes
>>> an issue (which indicates he's the curious type, he'll at least skim
>>> through the bug report anyway), or he's just going to update his
>>> system and get the fix (the latter happens more often).
>> Here the 'user' is mageia-app-db.
> Then this is a premature question; you should wait first to see how
> the updates in stable releases are going to be handled (will
> everything have to go through the sec team? or sec team will only care
> about the essential packages only?... etc because in that case a
> security announcement is dispatched, you may be able to grab the
> "fixed" version from there).


>> How is the case represented where the bug is in release,
>> and the fix is in cauldron ?
> Then it's not fixed in the afro-mentioned stable release, and should
> be in the Errata (if it's an important package, of course).




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