On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 17:49, andre999 <and...@laposte.net> wrote:
> Frederic Janssens a écrit :
>> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 06:19, andre999<and...@laposte.net>  wrote:
>>> As for documentation and translations, a while back I suggested a similar 
>>> separation, but on reflection I think it would be more useful to have flags 
>>> :
>>> 1) problem with documentation (and not function)
>>> These bugs would be best corrected by those with good documentation skills, 
>>> not necessarily the average programmmer.
>>> 2) problem with translation (and not function)
>>> These bugs would be best corrected by technical translators for the 
>>> language in question.  Again, not necessarily the average programmer.
>> I am working on a script intended to make it easyer to report bugs usefully.
>> Technically, would these flags be new fields,
>> or standardized entries in the Keywords field,
>> such as NEEDINFO in the present Mandriva bugzilla ?
> Just verified with bugzilla to make sure.
> Documentation and translations are listed as options under "components".
> However any such bug could also be associated with another component, such as 
> "core packages" or "release media".
> We could even have translation bugs of documentation.
> So it would seem better if these were independant flags, instead of options.
> It that case they would be new fields.
> As for security, there are already 2 such flags, at the bottom of the main 
> bug entry page.  (Under the title "privacy".)
> Checking either of these flags will cause a bug to be hidden from most users, 
> as explained beside the check boxes.
> (For this reason, it would be better to _not_ duplicate these particular 
> flags elsewhere.)
> see https://qa.mandriva.com/enter_bug.cgi?product=Mandriva Linux&format=guided

The potential problem with new fields, which would be better,
would be to make shure that they are accessible with the xmlrpc interface,
that I use for my script.

The inbuilt Keywords field, which does not appear on the Mandriva
'guided' input page,
but does appear on the 'expert' input page, is accessible with the
xmlrpc interface.

The xmlrpc interface does not seem to automatically have access to all fields.
But it is difficult to be shure : the xmlrpc interface of Mandriva
bugzilla does not work;
and the Mageia  bugzilla only has the default fields at present.
I think I will have to create a local bugzilla to test that.

> Good luck with your script :)


> André


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