On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 08:51:26PM +0100, Antoine Pitrou wrote:
> On Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:21:56 +0100
> Michael scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:
> >  
> > There is also the issue on bytecompilation ( 
> > https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=50484 ).
> > I have exposed there the various problem, and apart from explaining
> > that the solution I chosed was not better than the other, no one gave a 
> > compeling
> > argument into one or the others alternatives.
> That depends how "compelling" you expect the argument to be :)
> The current situation is clearly not satisfactory.

I agree that the solution is not perfect for everybody, and if
I had one that would not be without problem, I would have adopted it.

> The solution of generating bytecode at install time looks fine. I am
> not an RPM specialist though, but if you have non-RPM specific questions
> feel free to ask them, I'd be glad to answer.

Well, that's not satisfying from a rpm pov, unfortunately. 
But with some patchs, that the one that I would use, yes. 
until that, i prefer know documented breakage, than new undocumented breakage.
(ie, shadok proverb, if you want to have less unhappy people, just hit always 
same ).

> > Finally, a vast part of the policy is handling 2to3, a topic that we didn't 
> > discuss 
> > at all, and I would not be confortable to adopt it without first looking at 
> > it and
> > discussing it.
> What is the issue with "handling 2to3"? It's a developer tool and
> certainly shouldn't be invoked at install time if that's what you are
> asking. Generally, I don't think you (as a packager) have to invoke
> 2to3 manually at all. If 2to3 is part of the packaged software's build
> process, then their setup.py will probably invoke it automatically with
> the right options.

I as more speaking of the transition from pyton 2 to python 3. I think the 
on a policy point of view is to handle this like 2 separate languages, but that 
mean twice the work.
And so we should at least try to  do better ( not sure that we can, of course ).
Michael Scherer

> Regards
> Antoine.

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