Le vendredi 11 février 2011 à 16:49 +0100, philippe makowski a écrit :
> Hi,
> about the build system, with Mandriva we had ssh access to build boxes
> under Fedora I can use fedpkg to either make a local build into a
> clean chroot or to ask for a scratch-build on the build system from a
> local srpm
> (scratch-build from a local srpm is really nice when testing a new package)
> will we have something similar soon ?

We do have mgarepo and iurt, and I think e should aim to improves theses
tools. But there is no plan to have chroot for developpers in the short
term, as we lack servers ( and time ) for that. 

In the long term, yes, we will do something for that ( ie giving access
to build box ). For now, we plan to open the mirror soon now the first
part is complete, so people could at least install their own chroot/test
compute whatever.
Michael Scherer

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