On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 16:26, Michael Scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:
>>  * packagers/contributors [sh|w]ould use & publish their real name (as
>> registered in identity),
>>  * packagers/contributors [sh|w]ould publish their contact email (same),
>>  * in their contributions to the project (here, in the changelog),
>>  * if it should be strictly enforced or not, and why.
> What about contributors or people just using our tools ( bugzilla,
> etc ), who are not strictly speaking "developpers". Ie, here, we speak
> of the changelog, but there is more than packagers in the project, and
> more contributions than packages.

Indeed. Hence the "packagers/contributors".

> So shouldn't the thread be moved to -discuss, or dispatched to others
> teams ?

Makes sense. But having the very changelog/commit issue checked here
may help to reconsider this topic as a larger "privacy & identity
topic" for -discuss. Feel free to dispatch otherwise.


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