Quote: Michael Scherer wrote on Tue, 15 March 2011 00:18

> Usually, people who do write non-free softwares on Linux ( like Adobe
> for flashplayer, Oracle for Java, etc ) are also those that do
> commercial business around it, and also pay the patent holder for
> usage,
> as seen when accepting the license on installation.

I have the impression there is a misunderstanding, the sw you are talking
about is a special case, and in the case of Adobe it's actually not open
source software at all, I was talking about non-commercial open source
software that has a FOSS incompatible license (and is 'tainted', i.e. with
patent issues).
As far as I can see most of the stuff in 'non-free' is like this, open
source but with a FOSS incompatible license, not binary-only.

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