On Wed, 23 Mar 2011, Romain d'Alverny wrote:

> Misc righly pointed out that:
>  * someone triggering a massive rebuild may not want to be seen as a
> maintainer of packages uploaded by this; several possible solutions:
>    - first uploader is set as the maintainer by default;
>    - this will be manually editable from the maintdb app anyway;
>    - would a specific flag be raised in the buildsystem (or a package)
> when such a massive rebuild is triggered?
>    - instead of strict associations, we can associate maintainership
> by frequency of uploads/activity on a given package (unless massive
> rebuilds are triggered more often by a single packager than "regular"
> package uploads by the actual maintainer)
>  * submissions stats publishing may require your validation (and
> actually, for that specifically and future topics, we'll need to see
> how we can publish contributors activity stats through our platform -
> as a de-facto feature or as a preference, per contributor).

I think submissions stats can be interesting to keep, to see who is the
most active on a package. But comaintainers should not be added
automatically when package is submitted by someone. For instance you
don't want to become comaintainer of a package because you fixed a typo
in the description.

I think becoming comaintainer should be something that you decide, not
something done automatically.

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