On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 10:09, Tux99 <tux99-...@uridium.org> wrote:
> You are missing the point. QT3 is already part of Mageia and it wasn't me
> who added it. All I'm asking is if there is any compelling reason not to
> enable qt3-devel in the existing qt3 source package that is part of Mageia.

Then ask the qt3 maintainer - and as long as you don't expect to give
a hand in this maintaince, live by her/his answer (if it's only about

And if you're not satisfied with the recommandations/answers you got
from there, just push the topic as a clear question to a next coming
Council meeting to decide on this and you'll see (but it's likely the
Council will stand by the maintainer recommandation, unless there's
really something big at stake on the contrary).

> If there isn't any COMPELLING reason, then qt3-devel should be reenabled as
> long as someone wishes it.

If it's deprecated stuff, is there any compeling reason to reenable a
devel package of it. And if someone wishes it back, and the
maintainers thinks it's not worth it (too old, deprecated, unstable,
complex, unclear, not the plan), the maintainer has the hand (so one
can become the maintainer if it's really needed for her).

> What everyone here seems to forget is that a community distro should be
> first and foremost about FREEDOM. Freedom to let others enjoy their
> preferred software, not ARTIFICIAL RESTRICTIONS imposed by personal
> preferences or unnecessarily restrictive ARBITRARY RULES made up along the
> way by a few of the core members.

Wait. What you seem to forget is that this is not only about rights
but too about duties. The "freedom" above comes from people that take
their time to craft and package things, so they are verily in their
right and duty to make choices - documented, discussed, agreed. And
it's not because just one or two people argue and argue the contrary
that the maintainer should ... "obey". See above posts, we've been
several to suggest you a more practical path for everyone.

That choices made here in this project do/will not satisfy everyone is
plain obvious. Those choices don't prevent one from reverting them on
ones end, demonstrate they are worth it in the project main line, and
have them integrated.


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