On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 12:14, Tux99 <tux99-...@uridium.org> wrote:
> Quote: rdalverny wrote on Fri, 25 March 2011 11:56
>> A choice is arbitrary, always. It always says no
>> to something. Implying that this would "restrict freedoms of users"
>> would be laughable at best, offensive at worst, especially since this
>> is an open source project.
> You seem to be confusing different concepts here, just because a project is
> based on open source software that doesn't automatically guarantee that the
> community based on it is a community that values freedom.

Re-read our project docs, then (announcement, values, code of conduct).

And understand that it's not about the freedom of getting all that you
want without consideration for what it is, who makes it, and when and

> My concerns here are exactly because I'm getting the feeling that freedom
> is being unnecessarily restricted in Mageia.

My feeling here is that, even before the technical issues at hand,
your attitude (or at least how it is perceived) is very much the cause
of the crispation.

You seem to take this whole project as if it was a given to you. When
people object to you based on their experience, you understand that as
an unappropriate preference and don't even seem to listen to what is
proposed. When things appear to you not as you expected them, you look
like ready to dismiss the goodwill of the same people that make this
whole project possible every single day.

And that taints a lot the points you're trying to make, whatever these
are. Collaboration is not only about facts, desires, opinions. If you
are not able to go along well within the packaging team, only in
discussion, it's unfortunately possible that you won't like it; others
won't like it either. Nothing good will come out of this.

>> Please open a bug for that if you think it's worth discussing it
>> again.
> Is that now the procedure for this?

For opening a bug? https://bugs.mageia.org/ => New, and explain the thing.

> I would also appreciate it, if you could clarify the procedures with
> regards to the council I asked about in my last reply to you.

The board/council lists are not setup yet, unfortunately.

However you may have seen on -discuss that a preparation document is
available for next council meeting; although this coming meeting is
already quite full, you may append your point for the next one.

And that doesn't prevent from asking clearly here or on discuss that
you want the topic to be reviewed by the council. But even there, you
being an apprentice, I would suggest you:
 - first, review this with your mentor;
 - second, review this again with the packaging team;
 - third, push this to the council if needed (where it will need to
have both sides expose their points, for the record and the decision).

Cool. And good luck.


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