On 11/04/10 11:48 +0200, Michał Walenciak wrote:
> I'm looking for a new mentor (previous one didn't feel ok to mentor me).
> I have a experience in packaging and I prepare some for myself.
> I'd like to add to mageia avr toolchain and some, usually 
> a mandriva-missing-programs (mostly in c/c++).

note: i was the previous mentor.

i prefer to step down from mentoring michal, not because of him but
because of my skills: as michal wants to work on a new toolchain with
low-level compilers, assemblers and other such tools, i really feel not
comfortable enough about my own knowledge to really answer his

therefore, if you think you are comfortable enough with said subjects,
don't hesitate to step up: michal is a nice guy, listening to
suggestions, and eager to work on his packages!

sorry for the false hope to michal, but i hope he will find someone that
will be able to follow him in his quest!


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