On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 06:10, Franklin Weng <frank...@goodhorse.idv.tw> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Right now I'm customizing my own menu (without menu editor).  I'm
> implementing our own menu structure, so I followed XDG menu specs to
> create our own menu.
> However, I found that the menu layout attributes, like "show_empty",
> "inline", ... etc., seemed to be ignored.
> AFAIK, the XDG menu spec implementation should be done by distribution
> vendors.  If yes, would anyone please tell me if Mageia (or even
> Mandriva) fully follows the XDG menu spec?  Or, what should I do to
> make the show_empty, inline work?

On which environment did you test? GNOME? KDE?

The specification is followed by the desktop environment as far as I
know, but the distro defines some rules (using the menu spec)

inline works and is used in /etc/xdg/menus/applications.menu:

    <Menuname inline="false">Internet</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Office</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Graphics</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">SoundVideo</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Tools</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Development</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Games</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Education</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Sciences</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false">Documentation</Menuname>
    <Merge type="menus"/>
    <Merge type="files"/>
  <DefaultLayout inline="true" inline_limit="1">
    <Merge type="files"/>
    <Merge type="menus"/>

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