Le 20/05/11 12:12, magnus a écrit :

I think there is missing the non-Freeware repo.

May be worse : some of those packages are present in core repo of Mageia event before the mail was send.
Pavel Fric : you should check if the hdlist are up to date.


-- von unterwegs via Desire Z --

Am 20.05.2011 11:39 schrieb "Pavel Fric" <pavelf...@seznam.cz <mailto:pavelf...@seznam.cz>>:
> Hi,
> first I would like to tell, that I was trying the upgrade, but clear installation is better for me, also I made clean install then.
> The following list includes applications, that are according to my opinion quite important and nice to have them included in distribution, also I add the list for you to think about it, maybe to have them in additional repositories, or at least schedule them (of course some are more important than others). Txt file in attachment.
> At first I tried to find some of them through search field in MCC among the included apps, but then simply took appropriate items from my own list of translation projects, not all of course. For example Qt Linguist is very important for my work as volunteer in translation issues:
> luckyBackup
> Qt Linguist
> texmaker
> kwave
> ardour
> traverso
> sintegrial text editor
> nano
> softprojector
> openBibleViewer
> krename
> komparator4
> speedcrunch
> mscore
> qtiplot
> audex
> avogadro
> buzztard
> cherrytree
> clementine
> colorcode
> converseen
> flacon
> flashqard
> fontmatrix
> frescobaldi
> jamin
> k9copy
> kdesvn
> kid3
> klatexformula
> kmagnet
> kmediafactory
> kmetronome
> kradio4
> kstreamripper
> kwooty
> lilypond
> nmapsi4
> qcomicbook
> qelectrotech
> qjackctl
> qonjugator
> qtoctave
> qtractor
> rkward
> rosegarden
> scidavis
> simon
> sir
> sonic visualiser
> soundKonverter
> sudoku savant
> sweep
> tagaini jisho
> tanglet
> tano
> texamator
> texmakerx
> tictactoe from hell
> tubularix
> unipro ugene
> virtual midi piano keyboard - VMPK
> vym
> yarock
> zhu3d
> znotes
> Greetings, Pavel Fric

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