Le 2011-06-05 15:45, andre999 a écrit :
Marc Paré a écrit :

Le 2011-06-05 03:59, Kira a écrit :
在 Sun, 05 Jun 2011 13:25:59 +0800, Marc Paré <m...@marcpare.com>寫道:
I have just installed Mageia on a 64 bit and the 64bit Flash .rpm is
quite painless from the Adobe site.



The major problem is that Adobe seems don't like we to distribute

the 64-bit version.....

Sorry, I just rechecked my flash and it is the 32bit version. My fault.
But the bottom line is that it works for now.

As for the Adobe "Square" preview, I don't think the 64bit version will
suffor for too long in preview release as most of the machines being
sold today are 64bit. I don't think that Adobe will sit on the sucess of
their 32bit product and ignore the 64bit version.

For now the 32bit version works on Firefox 64bit and eventually the
64bit version will be released in .rpm for us to install. We just have
be patient.



Salut Marc

The plugin is installed in ~/mozilla/firefox/plugins/ (or one of the
alternate locations provided by the Firefox rpm), so you can just as
easily install the plugin from a tar file.
The above location is the first searched by Firefox, so other locations
will be ignored for flash, if flash is found there.
The only problem with the preliminary version is that it is more likely
to have bugs.
Personally I install a tar version of flash, as it stays in place across
distro updates, even clean installs. (I keep /home intact.)

My 2 cents :)

Merci for your deux cents! I will do it.



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