On 11/06/11 09:14, Anssi Hannula wrote:
Probably the easiest way is to use a fixed location under
%{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name} for the tarball instead. Then you can use
mktemp locally in %post.

Also, is there a need to use -q for mktemp?

Thanks - that works fine and is certainly the least complicated way to do this. I could have created a script for use in %post while in %pre, but it would have made the spec harder to read.

I have dealt with all the points you raised in the attached spec which is working OK.
Please dissect it and comment again if you see any blunders ;)

I will update the tar.gz in the bug report with this latest version.


%define name            get-skype
%define version
%define release         %mkrel 6
%define instdir         %{_datadir}/skype
%define langdir         %{instdir}/lang
%define avatardir       %{instdir}/avatars
%define sounddir        %{instdir}/sounds
%define icondir         %{instdir}/icons
%define md5             6e28002c0086fae5206e2d242c3edcfa
%define mytmp           %{_localstatedir}/lib/%{name}

Summary:        Download and Install Skype.
Name:           %{name}
Version:        %{version}
Release:        %{release}
License:        Proprietary
Group:          Networking/Instant messaging
URL:            http://www.skype.com
Buildarch:      noarch
Requires:       wget
Requires:       liblcms1
Requires:       libmng1
Requires:       libqtcore4
Requires:       libqtdbus4
Requires:       libqtnetwork4
Requires:       libqtgui4
Requires:       libqtsvg4
Requires:       libqtxml4
Requires:       libxscrnsaver1
Requires:       libxv1
Requires:       libv4l-wrappers

# The following are lists of filenames (124 in total) placed 
# in text files to save clutter in the spec.
Source0:        avatars-
Source1:        sounds-
Source2:        lang-


This is an installer for Skype-%{version}.

This package does not contain any files as the Skype license does not allow 
By installing this package you will download and install Skype from skype.com.
You must accept the Skype EULA before using it.
Please be patient - this is a 23MB download and may take some time.
Uninstalling this package will uninstall Skype from your system.


mkdir %{mytmp}
cd %{mytmp}
wget -nc "http://download.skype.com/linux/skype-%{version}.tar.bz2";

md5chk=$(md5sum skype-%{version}.tar.bz2 | cut -d' ' -f1)
if [[ %{md5} != $md5chk ]]; then
rm skype-%{version}.tar.bz2
cd ..
rm -r %{mytmp}
echo "Error - download failed"
exit 1


install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_bindir}
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications
touch %buildroot%{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}
touch %buildroot%{instdir}/{skype.desktop,skype,skype.conf,LICENSE,README}

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{langdir}
while read line; do
touch %buildroot%{langdir}/skype_"$line"
done < %{SOURCE2}

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{instdir}/icons
install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{_iconsdir}
touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/skype.png
for i in 16 32 48; do
touch %buildroot%{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png
touch %buildroot%{instdir}/icons/SkypeBlue_${i}x${i}.png

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{avatardir}
while read line; do
touch %buildroot%{avatardir}/"$line"
done < %{SOURCE0}

install -d -m 0755 %buildroot%{sounddir}
while read line; do
touch %buildroot%{sounddir}/"$line"
done < %{SOURCE1}

echo "LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l2convert.so %{instdir}/skype 
 > %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype && chmod +x %buildroot%{_bindir}/skype


newtmp=$(mktemp -d)
%define tmpextdir $newtmp
cd %{tmpextdir}
tar jxf %{mytmp}/skype-%{version}.tar.bz2

%define tmpdir %{tmpextdir}/skype-%{version}
mkdir %{instdir}

cp -a %{tmpdir}/icons/* %{_iconsdir}
cp -a %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_48x48.png %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
cp -a %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{_datadir}/applications/
mv %{tmpdir}/skype %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/skype.desktop %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/skype.conf %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/LICENSE %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/README %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/avatars %{instdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/lang %{langdir}
mv %{tmpdir}/sounds %{sounddir}
mv %{tmpdir}/icons %{icondir}
rm -r %{tmpdir}
cd ..
rm -r %{tmpextdir}
rm -r %{mytmp}         




%ghost %{_iconsdir}/skype.png
%ghost %{_iconsdir}/SkypeBlue_*.png
%ghost %{_datadir}/applications/skype.desktop
%ghost %{instdir}


* Sat Jun 11 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
- Added md5sum check on download and cleanup on fail.
- Downloads to /var/lib/get-skype - removed after install.
- Creates unique /tmp/tmp.xxxx dir for extraction of tar.
- Added versioning to .txt files.
- Added removal of all tmp directories after install.
- Corrected URL: 

* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
- Bumped release to test update - no changes

* Thu Jun 9 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
- Moved installation to /usr/share instead of /opt
- Changed group and license
- Changed temporary dir
- Changed to wget for d/l

* Mon Jun 6 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
- Moved download to %pre to stop install if d/l fails

* Sun Jun 5 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk>
- Changed get-skype version to follow Skype version.
- Changed URL to directly download only correct version.
- A copy of the downloaded file is retained in /tmp/skype-%{version} to
- speed re-installation (unless you clean /tmp)

* Sat Jun 4 2011 Barry Jackson <zen25...@zen.co.uk> 0.2.mga1
- Now all files are registered in rpm database.
- lang, avatar and sound filenames supplied in source files.

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