On 06/13/2011 04:12 PM, Frank Griffin wrote:
On 06/13/2011 04:05 PM, Dexter Morgan wrote:
nice i fix this one

The reason I ask is that on an ID previously using GNOME 2.32, the desktop comes up, but launching any application drives the video crazy. You can see the app window some of the time, but after a second or two of video flashing you get a fullscreen "Oops" panel and are told to log out. On a fresh ID, you can't even get the desktop to come up - you get the blue background, the mouse pointer circles for a bit and then stops, with no error and no recourse but CTRL-ALT-BKSP.

Ahh. Correction with the latest updates: now the ID previously using GNOME 2.32 doesn't get past the blue background either.

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