2011/6/15 Thorsten van Lil <tv...@gmx.de>:
> Am Donnerstag, 9. Juni 2011, 10:44:23 schrieb JA Magallón:
>> if I select "System settings" o launch firefox, immediately I get a
>> fullscreen error about "something went wrong, plz logout and in again"
> Same for me two days back. Since yesterday it works relatively well. I get the
> mentioned error right after login, but: If you just press Alt+F4 the error
> message vanish and you can start working us usual.

Wow! If I had known that you could get rid of error messages that easy
I would have used Alt+F4 many years ago in my Windows systems!
A nice lesson that you should not always do what a message box t4ells you to do!

Ok, seems to work, so all my testing this afternoon was void :(

Btw: after latest updates I don't have the nice blue background in
Gnome, it is somehow distorted (blue but with lighter blue stripes,
artefacts?). When I switch to KDE I have normal background, when
switching back to Gnome I have those stripes again (Nvidia proprietary
driver installed).

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