Le 19/06/2011 10:28, Wolfgang Bornath a écrit :
Nobody said anything against your efforts although I don't see any
reason there (and I haven't seen any discussion in the webteam where
it was decided to do so),
Who the hell are you to dare say I am a liar !

https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=570 <https://forums.mageia.org/en/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=570>

1 - roadrunner asked if somebody could cross-post between the forum and the ML
2 - Anne posted in this thread and find nothing to say against it
3 - So, I volunteered for that
4 - maat agreed
5 - I suggested a method
6 - maat agreed again
7 - I began what I promised, and you posted behind without saying anything against it.

It was not enough to be fully authorized ....
  people who read mailing lists are able to
read forums as well - if they don't want to, that's their decision.
They are able to, but they won't because "our team members still sleep during nights". These are Anne's own words.
But referring to the issue here I am pretty sure that nobody asked you
to write in HTML nor to transfer the off-topic banter.
Neither that nor the opposite. I never said I will re-write all the text nor I will read and sort the posts. Nobody prevented me to do that way. I stopped some of the off-topic banger, not each one.

Well, I made a mistake, I was told by misc, it's ok and I don't need a parrot repeating for a second layer. I subscribed to this third Mageia ML at this purpose only and didn't read the other posts, so I am going to unsubscribe, this one at least.

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