On 23 June 2011 07:58, Dexter Morgan <dmorga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2011 at 7:29 AM, Thierry Vignaud
> <thierry.vign...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 22 June 2011 19:41, Florian Hubold <doktor5...@arcor.de> wrote:
>>>> Well, it's quite possible that we have to include that in Mageia 1 as
>>>> well, as this will be security update for Firefox 4. If we don't want to
>>>> patch every CVE then we have to include it into Mageia 1 as well..
>>> Would be nice to know, if this is planned?
>>> I have rebuild FF5 here locally for Mageia 1, and the only addons that i
>>> lost is
>>> Linkification, but that is merely due to it's developers who already messed
>>> up
>>> with FF4. They don't offer the proper update on Firefox Addons site.
>>> So, please, what about Firefox 5 for Mageia 1 as an update (backport?)
>> Humm, MGA is stricter than MDV and refuses to backport packages
>> directly from cauldron:
>> mgarepo submit --define section=core/backports -t 1 </dev/null
>> Submitting xulrunner at revision 110647
>> URL: svn+ssh://svn.mageia.org/svn/packages/cauldron/xulrunner
>> error: command failed: ssh pkgsubmit.mageia.org
>> /usr/local/bin/submit_package -t 1 --define
>> sid=4845bffd-7f94-4c8c-931e-cfb746d01a0d --define
>> section=core/backports -r 110647
>> svn+ssh://svn.mageia.org/svn/packages/cauldron/xulrunner
>> error: svn+ssh://svn.mageia.org/svn/packages/cauldron/xulrunner is not
>> allowed for this target
> yes it needs to go to backports_testing before iirc

Got a link to a thread on -dev ML / irc meeting log / <insert your
favourite communication method here>, where this was decided?

> But i think sec team need to speak of FF5 first because i think this
> will be a candidate for updates regarding new firefox upstream policy

Ahmad Samir

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