On Tuesday, June 21, 2011 09:57:22 am Damien Lallement wrote:
> Hello all,
> security, qa and sysadmin team worked on the qa/updates process to
> provide updates as soon as possible.
> All is now ready (boklm is finalizing a scrip to move updates from
> "testing" to "updates"). This script will be uses by security team
> members and a few QA people to push updates.
> You can now read:
> - http://www.mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=updates_policy
> - http://www.mageia.org/wiki/doku.php?id=qa_updates
> A new ML has been created: qa-b...@ml.mageia.org. It will receive all
> the updates requests and will be the main QA contact for bugzilla.
> You can join it if you want to be part of the QA people working on
> updates (security or not).
> A saved search has been added to bugzilla to catch all updates waiting
> for QA validation:
> https://bugs.mageia.org/buglist.cgi?cmdtype=runnamed&namedcmd=Updates%20wai
> ting%20for%20QA
> For more info, please ask here on on #mageia-dev or #mageia-qa
> Let's go to work on updates!

This seems not to be working for me. I am getting an error:

error: command failed: ssh pkgsubmit.mageia.org /usr/local/bin/submit_package 
-t 1 --define sid=9ed21bb1-462a-4c5b-9fa3-78e433ccc363 --define 
section=core/updates_testing -r 114150 
error: svn+ssh://svn.mageia.org/svn/packages/cauldron/kolab-webadmin is not 
allowed for this target

(BTW on the web page it shows as -define section = instead of --define section)


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