On Thu, 07 Jul 2011, Stew Benedict wrote:

> On 07/07/2011 07:38 PM, andre999 wrote:
>>>>>> All tested, but without a testcase, some are hard to test.
>>>>> Yes, testcase need to be done for each package. Maybe we could have a
>>>>> wiki page to save all test cases, and use them when the same package is
>>>>> updated again ?
>>>> No need to put this on the wiki as it will be useless for 90% of them as 
>>>> an
>>>> update request must have a test case for the bug fixed, not for the 
>>>> whole
>>>> package.
>>> Yes, for the test about the bug fixed. But isn't there tests to check for
>>> regressions ?
>> The general idea sounds good.
>> But that would make a pretty big wiki page, if we especially if we include 
>> big apps like LibreOffice & Postgresql.
>> Maybe link each bigger app to a standing bugz report for that purpose ?
>> It would be pretty hard to make even close to complete regression tests 
>> for bigger apps as well.  (imagine 599 tests for LibreOffice ...)
> There once was a project at Mandriva where each packager was to supposed to 
> come up with a basic functionality test for his/her package(s), although I 
> don't think it got much traction aside from those of us who were getting 
> paid to work on the distro and whose manager made the tests a deliverable.
> iirc there was even some automation framework so they they could be run by 
> machine.

Fedora has this :

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