'Twas brillig, and Eugeni Dodonov at 07/07/11 22:38 did gyre and gimble:
> But as for QA, yes, this is true. Probably the best solution for it was
> Meego's one, in the n800 era - when you install something from
> non-official repo it shows a window saying 'You are installing something
> that could break everything, so you are on your own, good luck'. For
> install/update, perhaps it could be solved by adding some new
> installer/updater window which would check of enabled urpmi medias, and
> if there are any non-official one, it could show a warning or something
> like it as well.

I think also the ppa-purge tool is quite useful (I've not used it
myself, just read instructions of it's use) which can aid the "purging"
of a given PPA's packages and the installation of the offical packages
needed to solve any dependency "holes" left behind from uninstalling

This is still a "power-user" task IMO, but if (especially in the case of
Wayland stuff) only power-users would attempt this.

So while I too accept the QA issue (it's why I've spoken quite strongly
against PPAs in the past), I do accept there are sometimes valid reasons
to use them. If the tools are there to help, most of my concerns can be


PS, nice to see you here Eugeni :)


Colin Guthrie

Day Job:
  Tribalogic Limited [http://www.tribalogic.net/]
Open Source:
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  PulseAudio Hacker [http://www.pulseaudio.org/]
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