Hi, as discussed on irc from time to time since years , and as proposed on https://www.mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-dev/2011-June/006153.html , I have implemented a script to clean orphan automatically.
As said in the mail, the delay is 2 weeks of presence, and 1 month after, total removal. I didn't deployed it yet, as I would like to have some feedback and review ( but if no one step for that, I will do it myself in a few days ). I didn't implement colin suggestion because this was more complex to do ( https://www.mageia.org/pipermail/mageia-dev/2011-June/006154.html ). But anybody feel free to send a patch on the script : http://svnweb.mageia.org/adm/puppet/modules/mirror_cleaner/files/orphans_cleaner.pl?view=log -- Michael Scherer