Am 22.09.2011 23:37, schrieb Johnny A. Solbu:
On Thursday 22 September 2011 21:14, Florian Hubold wrote:
The bug is not about the installer, it's about msec.
Yes, excactly. And msec is part of the default install. No?
So any changes to requirements of msec will influence what, if any, MTA get
installed simply by installing msec.
If someone refuse to install an MTA, for what ever reason, and actively
deselect every MTA he finds, it will result in msec also beeing deselected if
it require an MTA to be present. If msec is having an MTA as requirement, one
cannot choose to have both msec and not an MTA at the same time. Deselecting an
MTA will result in not having msec.
Correction: nail/mailx is an MUA, as pointed out by Balcaen John.
It seems to be only an email reader, but not able to transport on its own.
You seemed to recognice this and suggested changing msec to not send email as
Then I was wondering if entering an email address as the user who is to get
reports is enouch to have msec to send email anyway, or do one have to run msec
or msec-gui after install to enable it.
Changing msec's default config will influense what happens to a system after OS
install in future releases.
Still, you didn't tell for which choice you vote.
Also this sounds kind of confusing : You don't want msec to require an MTA,
but seems you want msec to send reports to an email adress if you enter one.