On Sat, 22 Oct 2011 17:07:01 +0100
Colin Guthrie <mag...@colin.guthr.ie> wrote:

> Hi,
> I've just pushed new initscripts+systemd packages to updates_testing.
> In the combinations I've tested:
> systemd+dracut initrd: Boot and Shutdown works fine.
> sysvinit+mkinitrd initrd: Boot and Shutdown works fine.
> systemd+mkinitrd initrd: Boot fails due to not finding LVM disk.
> sysvinit+dracut initrd: Boot works, shudown/restart hangs.

A couple things I noticed:

- system time is bad, looks like ntpd is not started
- sshd is not started neither
- DM service is duplicated, one is dm.service and other prefdm.service
  (latest is systemd native one).

I have enabled ntpd.service and sshd.service via systemctl, even if
they are enabled in chkconfig. See how it goes.

Don't know if there are more cases.
Something weird with sysvinit backwards support ? Is it disabled ?
If there is a native service, sysvinit service is ignored ?
(sorry for my ignorance if this should be a known thing...)

I really think that trying to support old style is messy if we finally
switch to systemd. Perhaps you can (wrongly) trust chkconfig and it
does nothing.

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