On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 13:17:15 -0400, Michael Scherer <m...@zarb.org> wrote:

What is the usable feature ?
To be able to put some kind of quota on /usr ?
To be able to use a different fs for / and /usr ?

I once ran into the situation where installing a package
succeeded, but caused the / filesystem usage to hit 100%.
The next reboot failed, due to this.

That was when I split everything I could off of the root
filesystem, including /home, /opt, /tmp, /usr, and /var.
I put all of those on lvm logical volumes (with the root
filesystem still on a regular partition), and then split
/var/log onto a regular partition so I could access it
easily from a knoppix live dvd.

I briefly had /boot on a separate regular partition, but
found memtest86+ could not run with that setup, so I kept
/boot in the / filesystem.

I've since taken advantage of using lvm stripes to speed
up access, which works quite well.

In my current full install, I have 1.5GB allocated to the
regular partition used for the root filesystem, with
1022M used.  The /usr filesystem has 15GB used.

Merging /usr into / would require a large amount of work,

Regards, Dave Hodgins

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