
On 11/11/21 15:12 +0100, Sandro CAZZANIGA wrote:
> If someone have the time in the afternoon, we have a little bug in
> /usr/binxspp (which is a part of perl-ExtUtils-XSpp):
> */usr/bin/xspp : /usr/bin/perl5.14.1 : mauvais interpréteur: Aucun fichier
> ou dossier de ce type*
> As you can see, it's just a bad interpreter error. I think that we can
> replace it by *#!/usr/bin/perl* (I can do it myself, but I am at the
> University today, so only http protocol can go in/out ...).

no, that's not the correct fix. the correct fix is to just rebuild the
package: the installed script will then use the path to the interpreter
that was present on the bs, which is the latest one.

i just re-submitted it.


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