Am 31.12.2011 14:26, schrieb Johnny A. Solbu:
> On Saturday 31 December 2011 11:34, Matteo wrote:
>>> Install rpmlint-mageia-policy.
>> Yeap, my fault (I rebuilt my vm and I missed this package).
> Is it an idea to have rpmlint-mageia-policy added as a suggested package in 
> rpmlint?
> Then packagers who forget to install it when (re)installing rpmlint will get 
> a small notice that they are missing this pakcage.
IIRC misc is against that, especially in the form of suggests.
I've proposed a task-mageia-packager package some time ago,
but somehow forgot later on about it. It's this thread:

[PROPOSAL] (task-)mageia-packager - what should be inside?
from 27.08.2011 17:58

and i'd add requires on:

(and maybe iurt)

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