Am 03.01.2012 23:39, schrieb zezinho:
> Le mardi 3 janvier 2012 21:25:54, Kamil Rytarowski a écrit :
>> You can reedit the svn:log entry
>> svn pe --revprop -r<revision>  svn:log
>> svn+ssh:// --editor-cmd nano
> Learned! Thanks...
Given that all packagers need a working ssh setup
(check )
you can omit the 


part, and set EDITOR environment var in
~/.bashrc to your favorite editor, and then for
better reusability via bash recursive search (ctrl+r)
maybe just use

    svn pe --revprop svn:log -r<revision>

inside a local checkout so that when you reuse it,
less keystrokes required to launch this for another revision.

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