Le 07/01/2012 13:23, Florent Monnier a écrit :

In Mandriva I was using this command to make proper attribution of imported
.spec files:

$ mdvsys import foo.src.rpm --message 'this spec file is imported from Fedora
where it was written by X'

I'm trying to make the equivalent with this command:

$ mgarepo putsrpm -m "this spec file is imported from Mandriva where it was
written by X" package.src.rpm
error: no such option: -m

$ mgarepo putsrpm --message "this spec file is imported from Mandriva where it
was written by X" package.src.rpm
error: no such option: --message

$ mgarepo putsrpm --help | grep -- -m
     -m LOG  Log message used when commiting changes

What is the right command line to achieve this?

Can you try mgarepo putsrpm -l LOG ... ?

Could you please file a bugreport?


Luc Menut

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