On 17 January 2012 15:38, Colin Guthrie <mag...@colin.guthr.ie> wrote:
> Hi,
> I messed up a %post script in the pam package which causes issues with
> systemd related authentication stuff. Sorry about that.
> It's a pain to fix with a script so I won't and thus a manual fix is needed.

perl -pi -e 'if (/^-session\s+optional\s+pam_systemd.so\s*$/o) {
$seen++; undef $_ if $seen > 1 }'  /etc/pam.d/system-authsystem-auth

> Simply edit the system-auth pam.d file, e.g.: sudo vi /etc/pam.d/system-auth
> and remove the last line which should say:
> -session    optional      pam_systemd.so
> This line should be a duplicate of an entry one or two lines above.
> You DO want one line with the above in it, you do NOT want more than one.
> pam package is fixed to not do this any more but you'll need to manually
> fix this up.
> Sorry for the inconvenience.

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