I just joined this list - therefore top-posting rather than replying.

Seeing the discussion on space on isos, I checked how much space documentation files occupy on the alpha 3 iso: looks like there is quite some potential for space saving. Some examples of bigger doc files

gawk-doc         0.9 Mb
lilo-doc         0.8 Mb
javadoc-1.6.0    11  Mb
javadoc-1.7.0    12  Mb
python-docs       4  Mb
qt4-doc         126  Mb
and so on

Some space can easily be gained by removing doc packages of low interest (e.g. lilo, only one java version), much more could be gained by sorting the doc according to some criteria (my suggestion: highest priority = doc for non-advanced users who want to get a running out-of-the-box system with basic doc; second priority = doc for advanced users/users who do development and might have bandwidth problems; low priority: things like kernel-doc which are normally used by people who anyhow have made an effort to have bandwidth in support of fetching the code they are working on, and who can easily fetch the doc packages from the core repositories).

A more radical approach might be to simply create an additional "doc dvd" - move all doc packages from the present iso there, with the benefit to have lots of place for offering some of the more popuplar doc packages on a dvd - which presently must be fetched from the repository (probably attractive for users with bandwidth problems). That would immediately free about 180 Mb of the alpha iso (and avoid - well, postpone - the headache which programme packages can be kept on the iso, and which not).


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