Am 28.01.2012 09:48, schrieb Maarten Vanraes:
> on my cauldron virtual machine (updated and rebooted as of yesterday), 
> virtuoso-t takes more than 200MB in ram taking by far the first position on 
> this 1GB virtual machine. It also uses about 75% of a CPU core all the time.
> what does it actually do? is this even needed? and why is it leaking so much 
> memory?
It's the database backend for Nepomuk, and i assume that it does the
initial indexing of your /home. It does not leak memory, and it's not really
you might want to disable Nepomuk/Strigi altogether.

You might want to look at
for some context information and
or for bug information.

> even firefox is taking only 60MB, mysqld (from akonadi) taking only 80MB, and 
> X 
> taking 36MB and plasma 12MB...
> after killing it, in less than 10min, it's back up there using already 100MB 
> and 75% CPU of a core.
> on such a mostly idle VM, i don't see the benefit...
> i note that it doesn't always use 75% CPU, sometimes it doesn't use any CPU, 
> but the next minute it's back to use 75% .
> just wondering if there's a good reason for this?

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