In case people want to assist. I'm busy cleaning up all the GNOME
related spec files. If you want to do some simple work (instead of
beta1, general bug fixing, etc), then feel free to help out!

If you want to assist, do the following do download all GNOME spec files
in one go:
  mkdir ~/src ~/bin ~/pkgs
  cd ~/src
  svn co svn+ssh:// mga-gnome
  cd ~/bin
  ln -s ~/src/mga-gnome mga-gnome
  mga-gnome co

Then find spec files to work on using:
  grep -r '^%clean$' --exclude='*~' --exclude-dir=.svn --exclude-dir=SOURCES 
--exclude-dir=BUILD ~/pkgs

What I look at while cleaning up:
- remove BuildRoot:
- remove unneeded post/pre
- ensure everything uses tabs
- remove the default defattr
- remove default %clean section
- move any define name/release/version to Name:, Release:, Version:
- ensure Source: is similar to{name}/%{url_ver}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.xz
  thanks to: %define url_ver %(echo %{version}|cut -d. -f1,2)

There are loads of build failures, which needs to be looked at. But atm
just focussing on cleaning spec files only. If it fails to build, I only
check if that was a typo on my part or not. This as there are hundreds
of spec files to clean.

Build failures are various; missing buildrequires, lack of libm linking,
missing .la files, newer glib (not including just glib.h), etc, etc.


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