On Friday, 24 February 2012 13:09:45 Pierre Jarillon wrote:
> I have just installed Mga2b1 x86_64 and it is already a great distro. But
> once more, I was annoyed with an unuseful bunch of rpm in rpmdrake which
> make the list less readable.

Then rpmdrake shouldn't be showing libraries by default.

> For a beginner, this is more annoying.
> So, I have unselected Core 32 bit and everything seams to be ok. As pcpa
> said in  "[Cooker] Multilib next steps?", the only reason to run in 32 bit
> mode is legacy binaries that cannot be rebuilt.

Or to run wine on x86_64.
Or to run other proprietary applications/libraries provided by vendors (not 
necessarily apps we have in non-free).

IMHO, Mandriva is going backwards in this regard.

$ rpm -qa --qf '%{ARCH} %{NAME}\n'|grep -Ev '(^x86_64|noarch|i586 lib|
i586 wine32
i586 opera
i586 googleearth
i586 playonlinux
i386 teamviewer6
i586 skype
i586 acroread
i586 wine
i386 oracle-xe
i586 python-psyco
i586 wine-gecko
i386 ICAClient

> IMO, the last useful binary was flashplugin, now the adobe 64bit binary
> works fine. Is it still useful to keep this outgrowth alive?

Provide good, in-distro documentation on how to resolve 32-bit dependencies, 
or IMHO removing the 32bit repos is a regression. We are a *very* long way 
from adequate documentation.


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