'Twas brillig, and Olav Vitters at 27/02/12 08:19 did gyre and gimble:
> I'm seeing huge memory usage by gnome-shell/mutter 3.3.90 over time.
> Restarting it avoids OOM issues. I wasn't sure if it was a local problem
> or not, but saw one confirmation.
> Didn't see many complaints upstream though, which is strange. I don't
> see any new messages in ~/.xsession-errors, so bit difficult to figure
> out what is wrong.
> If anyone sees the same, please say so.

Will do. The trick is likely to run gnome-shell via valgrind and get
some logs. I did that last time I had a massive memory leak and I think
ebassi or someone managed to fix it... didn't seem like a big error at
the time, but turned out to be problematic.

It's quite a pain running gnome-shell through valgrind as it really
slows things down, but it does provide good data.



Colin Guthrie

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