Le 25/02/2012 15:46, Pascal Terjan a écrit :
Currently rpmsrate lists:

   5 !CAT_KDE !CAT_GNOME || CAT_XFCE gthumb
   4 !CAT_KDE !CAT_GNOME !CAT_XFCE flphoto gtkam

flphoto has been dead for years and gtkam is very limited (and not
packaged currently), what about replacing them with gthumb?

     5 !LIGHT inkscape

I think inkscape should be installed in more environments than gnome,
but maybe at level 4 rather than 5


I would like to replace "f-spot" with "shotwell"
"f-spot" is no longer developped and uses "mono"
"shotwell" is a "vala" software.
Fedora and Ubuntu have replaced "f-spot" with "showell" for 2 years now.
Anybody against this? I maintain "shotwell" so I'm sure we are uptodate with this software.
Damien Lallement
Treasurer of Mageia.Org

twitter: damsweb - IRC: damsweb/coincoin

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